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Lea Anne Sexton

Lea Anne Sexton is a client-focused facilitator and stakeholder engagement professional with 20 years’ experience in the non-profit, public and private sectors throughout BC. She is focused on supporting clients that are reframing how they do business by aligning their goals and principles to address the environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors we face today.


Lea Anne takes pride in developing and implementing effective and efficient strategic planning processes for her clients. She has recently facilitated groups virtually and in-person with AIBC, Fair Haven Homes Society, the Ontario Architects Association, BC Golf, Horse Council of BC, and BC Hydro. With respect to providing governance solutions she enjoys working through the details required in the development or updating of board manuals and organizations’ bylaws. She believes that understanding and incorporating clients’ strategic goals in her consultation services while using the right tools and techniques to engage people at the right time leads to sustainable outcomes for all involved.


Lea Anne holds a Bachelor of Commerce and a Master of Arts (Community Planning). She is a member of the International Association for Public Participation.

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