Speaking Engagements & Book Talks
Kathy’s motivational talks based on her book,
Back to Life are tailored to the goals of the audiences, from businesses to community groups, CEO peer groups, executive forums, health care providers, educators and caregivers, to retreats, reunions and book clubs.
Kathy is a frequent speaker at Rotary Clubs, professional associations, corporate conferences, board retreats, employee lunch & learns, professional development workshops and other events seeking a lively, interactive and compelling speaker. Her inspiring keynotes for charitable fundraisers and galas have benefited groups such as: InspireHealth, the Canadian Liver Foundation, the BC Cancer Foundation, BC Transplant, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and many others.
Workshops & Retreats
We design and facilitate workshops for teams or groups of any size. Each workshop is custom designed to achieve specific outcomes through transformational learning and entertaining content.
Workshop topics include:
Building Resilience
The ROI of Intentional Optimism
Strategic Planning Skills for Leaders
Gravitas: the Art of Executive Presence
Building a Coaching Culture
Building an Extraordinary Team
Conflict as an Opportunity
Tough Communication
And many others, customizable to any conference or
retreat theme.

Contact us to inquire about a customized workshop or talk for your group, book club, conference or retreat.