Kathy supports organizational leaders and their teams to design organizational structures, roles and responsibilities in alignment with goals.
Her work in Organizational Development includes individual coaching, clarifying roles and responsibilities, group workflow analysis and alignment, large change management initiatives, teambuilding and conflict resolution. From scaling or streamlining to meet demand, to restructuring in the aftermath of downsizing, Kathy specializes in affirmative transitions that engage peoples’ minds and hearts in defining the right outcome.
Services include:
Organizational analysis and design
Executive coaching (individuals and teams)
360 Degree Assessments
Leadership Assessments – competency based, performance and predictive
Conflict resolution
Team building workshops and events

360 Degree Feedback Surveys and Leadership Assessments
Assessments can be instrumental in aligning high performing teams, planning for succession, or moving through organizational transitions. We provide both performance-based assessments and predictive evaluations of leadership competency. From 360 degree surveys to management development assessments and recruitment screening tools, reports are written in logical, user-friendly narrative allowing easy interpretation and an excellent platform for ongoing coaching and development.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®)
Kathy is certified/licensed to facilitate the use of The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. MBTI is a self-inventory assessment tool designed to identify an individual’s personality type, strengths and preferences. MBTI reports enable respondents to further explore and understand their own personalities including their likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses, possible career preferences and compatibility with other people/personality types.
We offer MBTI assessments, workshops, refreshers and team profiles to promote understanding and enhance team communication, team dynamics and teamwork.
Contact us for more information. Client references available on request.